Brick, Wood, and Concrete Repair

We have talked all throughout the site about the fact that what we could call foundation issues can actually affect many other areas of your home. If you have cracks in your walls then, you are probably going to need a foundation repair job done, plus your walls repaired. The same thing goes with those floors that sink that we also talked about. When you have a major foundation issue the financial problem that a lot of people stare in the face is the fact that you are going to be spending a lot of money on minor repairs to some of the areas that were damaged. We have a way to make sure that your finances don’t take too much of a hit!
The Benefits of Choosing Us
We usually don’t like to sort of over-promote our services. It is not like we want to say that we are the best a whole bunch of times. Even if we said it, that would not make it true if we weren’t. In this particular case though there is a true benefit when you get us to repair your foundation or your drains and then get us to repair the flooring. Number one, you are going to have one bill. It makes working out prices a lot easier. Also, we know how the damage was made. This gives us an advantage when we are fixing it up!
Brick Flooring
This is a common way to pave things like driveways and other outdoor areas. The thing is when these paths break or face any type of issue putting them back together is a true challenge. For the most part, we won’t be able to glue anything back together of course. The next best thing is to find matching bricks and recreate the surface. This actually gives you an opportunity to reimagine the flooring.
Wood Flooring
The thing with wooden flooring is that these days they are laid out at the same time. So you don’t have the separate slabs almost that you did decades ago. So repairing wooden floors and basement has actually become more complex. A lot of times what we may have to do is literally “patch it up”. Our success really depends on how extensive the damage is and what type of wood was actually used to build the floor the first time around. We will let you know though what we believe the best option is before we get around to trying to repair the floors!
Concrete Repair
Concrete pavement is a beast all on its own. We actually have a service page where we talk about concrete slabs in more detail. That said we do want to use this space to say that we have worked on many different types of concrete floors. Not all of them had that dull gray color that natural concrete tends to have. So you can be certain that we know how to handle all sorts of concrete flooring!

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